I am a UX designer with a bachelor's degree of Science with a major in Informatics. I am passionate about creating accessible and user-centered designs. My main strengths are skilled UI design, prototyping, communicating and conceptualizing engaging solutions. 

My design methodology revolves around detailed analyzes of user-needs and finding opportunities for both companies and users. I work strategically, holistically and flexible, focusing on each contextual setting and optimizing meaningful collaborations.

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Accepted contribution to SweCog

Me and my student colleague are happy to announce that our contribution to the swecog conference has been accepted and we got a place at the science fair to present our study about UX, social robots, expectation setting and linguistic framings. The conference will take place on the 10th and 11th of October at Stockholm University.

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Web Design

E-health project collaborating with Västra Götalandsregionen. Designing a website informing about Alternative and Complementary Communication...

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Mobile Application Design

Collaboration with the e-commerce company Didriksons. The project included UX evaluation of UI performance through methods of usability testing...

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 Human-robot Interaction Design

The topic of my bachelor's thesis was social robots as teaching assistants and how UX and expectations can be regulated by introducing social robots through lingustic framings...

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